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An Adult Board Game Design Based on Checkers?

Checkers is a simple and popular board game that almost everyone knows how to play. Most people also have an old checkers board laying around the house. EveryGame for the iPad (my current favourite foreplay game platform) even comes with a checkers game included. And, it can be customized or completely redesigned if desired. Why not create an adult board game design based on checkers? Of course we’ll want something a little more challenging than “strip one item for each piece you capture“. That’s just too easy and a little boring when what you want is to build anticipation and desire. It’s more fun to work a little for the ultimate reward.

Update: See our article Jump For Joy with more details for an erotic checkers game for couples.

Update 2: Unfortunately the EveryGame app was apparently crippled by Apple imposed restrictions. The ability to customize and create your own games was removed. We are experiencing our own difficulties and frustrations getting our apps approved. See the sidebar for some we have been able to publish.

There are a large number of checker variations that use different board configurations, numbers of pieces and interesting rules that could all be adapted into a foreplay game for couples. The primary challenge is to retain the fast, simple play structure while designing in mechanisms to help build erotic tension. Checkers normally involves lots of capture moves so stripping and other foreplay activities should be tied to less frequent game events. Otherwise players will be licking and sucking each other constantly with little focus on the actual game. Assigning sex activities to the end of each game would draw out the erotic play too much. There needs to be a balance to make playing fun and winning even more sweet.

I like to reward skilled or lucky plays with a foreplay activity or sexual forfeit to encourage players to get into the game. Also, it’s nice to add a bit of flavour text to the sex game to give it more of an erotic appeal. Checkers is an abstract game but with a bit of context, it can be transformed into a sexy setting for randy roleplay. Spice it up a bit with a creative sex oriented theme and title. You may consider the pieces to be men and women in some form of erotic struggle with each other. When promoting pieces turn them into kings and queens or any other term that suits your theme. And, of course, you’ll want some kind of reason to be jumping each other (euphemism for sex) to get to the other side even if it is a little contrived or tongue in cheek. My view is that when you enhance the mental stimulation you increase the frisky fun factor too.

Foreplay Rewards & Forfeits

There are relatively few types of game events in regular checkers, but there are some that could warrant a foreplay bonus. Stripping could also be tied to specific game events as well. However, since most people tend to wear only 4-6 items of clothing, you’ll want these events to be relatively infrequent so it’s paced over a period of time. Here are a few possibilities:

The foreplay bonus could be determined by rolling sex dice or using foreplay cards from another sex game.

Other Variations

Using the EveryGame app on the iPad, it’s easy to create new images for the checker pieces. This opens up a few more creative possibilities (use sticky labels on physical pieces if desired – numbers mapping to detailed descriptions if required). Here are some other ideas that could be incorporated into a sexy checkers game:

For a huge variety of straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and threesome foreplay activities, get our book: Extra Naughty Frisky Foreplay: Hot Sex Dice Games. The sexy activities range from warm & loving to wild & kinky. Play the game as is or use the ideas in your own couples games. There are six intensity levels with 36 foreplay ideas per level that map to two dice. If you play multiple games of checkers, you could advance to a new level for each game played and roll the dice to determine a foreplay favour to perform when a capture is made.

Also check out our Spicy Dares & Desires adult game books. Combine strip checkers and dice based naughty truth or dare activities. It will get you talking dirty and playing dirty.

I hope you enjoyed these ideas to make your own adult board game design based on checkers. If you do order one of our apps or books, Thank You! Please give it a good rating and post a comment. Great feedback will help other couples find it so they can improve their relationship too. Maybe share ideas for spicing up any of the couples games you play.

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